
Thank You Letters Thanks for the memories, M-CHS

Farewell MCHS, your time has come and we all must say goodbye. Many generations of know-it-all teenagers have walked and learned in your halls and classrooms. Bathrooms have been vandalized then repainted who knows for sure how many times. Many of us, myself included, have said how much we hated you and said we’d never come back. And yet here I am wandering through your empty halls, pictures stripped from their frames, desks missing from the classrooms, goodbye notes written on almost every surface..this being the last time before you are turned into a pile of rumble, and all the memories with it. Even now, only being graduated for a year, there is a tinge of regret and sadness that I’m sure will grow over time. You may only be a building, but everyone who went to school there knows that you are so much more than that.

Jasmyn Brendle
