Thank You Letter Cortez Elks Lodge helps Junior Golf

The Conquistador Golf Course and Junior Golf Foundation would like to extend their sincerest thanks to the Cortez Elks Lodge for its support and contributions to Junior Golf in Cortez. Without the Elks support the PGA Junior League would not have been successful.

This year’s Junior Golf season in Cortez began in early June with the Conquistador Golf Course Junior Golf Camp. More than 75 juniors participated in a five day camp addressing all facets of the game. In addition to the camp, junior golfers participated in the PGA Junior League against juniors from other four corners courses throughout the summer in a two-person team scramble format. Fourteen juniors participated in the PGA Junior League this summer.

The Cortez Elks Lodge was an integral part of the success of the PGA Junior League. The Elks contributed $2,000 to help with the costs of the program; which included travel expenses, green fees, and fees to the PGA. Without the support of the Elks many of the aforementioned golfers would not have been able to participate.

The Conquistador Golf Course and Junior Golf Foundation