Thank you, Jack: I finally understand

I have been reading recent letters to the editor by one Jack Ryan.

Initially, I assumed these letters were from the perspective of the fictional character from the Tom Clancy novels. However, that Jack Ryan was a thoughtful intelligence analyst and the tone of these letters is not one of intelligence.

My next thought was the letters were tongue-in-cheek, berating destructive characteristics (being misinformed, name-calling, stereotyping) then driving the point home by using these characteristics to deride others.

However, I settled on these letters being a call to action; a way to goad citizens into doing the research to educate themselves on what are obviously asinine assertions.

They are meant to goad us to understand the defining characteristics of the economic theories of capitalism, socialism and communism. To read about the founders of Black Lives Matter movement and what they believe. To get informed on Joe Biden’s policies. Finally, to viscerally understand the differences between demagoguery and informed political discourse.

Thank you, Jack.

Sean FlahertyCortez