
Thank you for first responders and concerned citizens

The Journal

I’ve parked at City Market and Front Row Seat, trying to enter the stores only to encounter drunks and homeless approaching me for handouts. Many times, they are defecating or urinating, or are passed out.

I want to thank first responders for helping and conducting health checks. There have been several deaths found by responders and some have been saved! Thank you for responding, caring and helping. Thank you to the store managers and workers who help with on-hand dealings and no-trespass procedures. Thank you to concerned citizens who check on people and call 911.

I believe we need to find a way to help our homeless and clean up our city as well. It may help to have a camp spot similar to the one in Durango. Possibly the existing church/food kitchens could provide to the camp; preventing the walking traffic and use of alleys, city walkways, lawns and streets for bathroom stops.

Volunteers could work in the kitchen, pick up trash and clean the bathroom facility. We do pay taxes so a camp might prevent other places from being littered with discarded items and trash and help with the issue of open containers of alcohol.

We do have a homeless shelter, but I’ve been told that the street homeless aren’t accepted because they have been on “the street” congregating in groups and have possibly been exposed to COVID-19. I want to see changes made and people helped and I’m willing to do what I can.

Maggie ArchibequeCortez