
'Terrified’ about world for grandchildren

Based on a guest column on Sunday in The Durango Herald and online in The Journal, what rock is Bill Roberts living under?

I grew up in the ’40s/’50s. Nostalgia? I wasn’t afraid that someone was going to come into my classroom and shoot me. I didn’t see on TV people putting merchandise in a big bag and running off without paying for it – no consequences. I didn’t see people beating up on another innocent person right on the street in broad daylight. Again, no consequences.

There wasn’t a lot of violence or explicit sex on TV. Men actually opened the door for my mom. She was respected. A baby was either a male or a female until they were old enough to choose which sex they identified with. There are many other examples of the demise of law and order and civility, but I think that you get the trend.

If all you have to brag about in this era is airbags and seatbelts, that is a sad state of affairs.

Roberts might feel good about the world he is leaving his grandchildren. I am terrified!

Jill Rickelman
