Take the pledge for boating safely this summer

Colorado Parks and Wildlife recommends you 'take the pledge' to make this summer safe as part of National Safe Boating Week May 16 to 22.

According to the U.S. Coast Guard's 2014 Recreational Boating Safety Statistics more than $11 million boats are registered in the United States and more than $38 million has been lost in property damage in 2014.

"Property loss and personal injury can be prevented," said Kris Wahlers, CPW boat safety program manager. "Pledging to boat safely means saving money and lives."

A boat safety class helps too.

Fifty-five percent of operators involved in boating accidents in 2014 did not take a boating safety course, and were between the ages of 21 - 30.

"A boat safety course can train and refresh boaters on the skills necessary to be safe all summer long," added Wahlers.

Schedule and view available boat safety courses at www.register-ed.com.

Pledge to boat safely means always boating responsibly by:

Wearing my life jacket and ensuring that everyone on board wears their life jacket (when in a small boat, or operating in rough water or threatening weather conditions)

Remaining sober and alert - remembering that the use of alcohol contributes to accidents on the water;

Staying in control of my craft and respecting the right of others enjoying the waterways;

Knowing and obeying navigation rules, operating at a safe speed and maintaining a proper lookout.

Go to http://www.safeboatingcampaign.com/national-pledge-card.pdf to access the card, and fill it out with the family. In addition to taking the pledge, be sure to operate your boat safely by practicing good seamanship. Take action in ample time to avoid a collision. Keep a sharp lookout and maintain a safe speed on the water.

For more information about safe boating go to http://cpw.state.co.us/learn/Pages/BoatingSafety.aspx. Read the 2015 Colorado Boating Statutes and Regulations here.

CPW is an enterprise agency, relying primarily on license sales, state parks fees and registration fees to support its operations, including: 42 state parks and more than 350 wildlife areas covering approximately 900,000 acres, management of fishing and hunting, wildlife watching, camping, motorized and non-motorized trails, boating and outdoor education. CPW's work contributes approximately $6 billion in total economic impact annually throughout Colorado.

For more news about Colorado Parks and Wildlife go to: http://cpw.state.co.us

For more information about Colorado Parks and Wildlife go to: http://cpw.state.co.us.