
TABOR checks for local causes

No one enjoys paying taxes, but they are the investment we make to maintain our high standards of living. Taxes fund clean drinking water, law enforcement and the courts, educational institutions, road maintenance and the like.

Recently, each taxpayer received a Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights refund check. I suggest to all who have the means to do so that you consider the reinvestment of your tax rebate to the local cause(s) of your choice. Durango Food Bank, the Humane Society, Manna soup kitchen are all worthy of your generosity.

Another of my favorites is the Animas Museum, which occupies an elegant former school building at 31st Street and West Second Avenue. Admission is free to view its fascinating collection of thousands of photos and artifacts, which preserve the record of Durango’s colorful and storied past. Become a member and the collection is yours to view, online! The Animas Museum survives because of the efforts of volunteers who stretch a budget, which would embarrass a shoestring. Your TABOR investment couldn’t find a more grateful beneficiary!

I urge you to consider investing a portion of your TABOR rebate locally because it can make a significant difference to organizations like the Animas Museum. Your household may be unable to make a financial contribution, but you could consider volunteering to help those who need a hand in these difficult times.

It’s time to make TABOR work to protect local institutions, enhance our community and support our neighbors.

If not you, who?

Larry A. Bollinger
