I worked for the Montezuma-Cortez School District from 1997 until 2008, with the first six of these years at the middle school, then central office. Attendance and discipline were main issues at that time.
When I returned to the district in March 2022, I found the top issues today are still attendance and discipline. These issues were verified by school staff members, parents, community members and students. I am very familiar with these areas of school operation. I take them seriously. And I’ve made changes to turn things around. Some of these changes may not always be popular.
First, attendance. Students must show up to earn an education. Period. School attendance is a main indicator of student performance. I believe in our students and their opportunities for success. But to do our jobs well, to help students become the best version of themselves – and realize their professional and personal dreams – they must be in school. No way around this.
Attending school is the law. I have met with community agencies and the legal arm of government, and we have developed a plan to assist parents with getting students to school. Parents, we are here to help. As a dad, I know some mornings are more difficult than others in getting students up and out the door. It’s not easy. Still, we want every student in class every day.
Second, discipline. Teachers are in the classroom to teach. Managing poor behavior takes away from everyone else’s learning experience. I will work with principals to ensure we don’t lose class time to disruptive behavior. We are setting a foundation for the future, both short term and long term. Lost educational time mounts and can be detrimental to a sound educational experience.
Extreme behavior – students who threaten or hit staff members or vandalize property – will not be tolerated. These are situations for law enforcement, not school staff members. Keeping students safe is my first priority. Any situation that compromises the safety of anyone on our campuses will be handled quickly and effectively.
Third, cellphones. Students may not use cellphones in the classroom. It’s disrespectful to teachers, it’s disruptive and students inevitably miss information if their attention is elsewhere. As a parent of two high school girls, I understand the importance of being able to contact your child in case of emergency. Students will be allowed to use phones between classes and at lunch. If you need quicker action, please call the school and we will get a message to your student or arrange a meeting for you and your child in the school office.
I realize some of these changes may rattle some people. But I’m serious about our children’s education. I’m tough but I’m fair.
We can give our kids land, homes, cars and vacations. The one thing they must earn is an education. A great education will only make their lives better. More opportunities, more doors will open. Trust me on this. And trust me when I say these new policies are necessary and will be enforced.
Questions or concerns about these changes? Please make an appointment to talk with me.
I’m glad to be back with the Montezuma-Cortez School District. I know these kids and I know this community. We have a great group of teachers and staff members who work tirelessly to enhance and enrich our students’ lives.
Join me in our efforts as we strive to make this the best school district in Colorado. I invite you to be one with our schools, and support students in learning, achieving their goals and launching them toward the lives they most want to live.
Tom Burris is the superintendent of the Montezuma-Cortez School District.