
‘Status of’ trail from Durango to Three Springs?

Is anyone else curious as to the status of the Future Animas River Trail connecting Durango proper to the Three Springs community?

As an avid cyclist and runner, I know this project will be a real breath of fresh air for our community. F.A.R.T. would provide a safe and scenic route for cyclists and pedestrians commuting both to and from downtown, which would give us all another reason to toot our own horns about our city’s amenities.

Understanding that such projects can be a bit of a gas to plan, I would appreciate an update on the following aspects of F.A.R.T.

For example:

What’s the current status of the project? Have there been recent meetings with all parties involved? Any progress on the needed easement now that the “bridge to nowhere” project is complete?

Has the necessary funding been secured? If not, what are the prospective funding avenues? What financial boost is needed to break wind?

Not trying to make too much of a stink, but I believe that F.A.R.T is a valuable investment in the future of our community, and I’m eager to see it come to fruition.

Adam Clark
