
Standing up at Dolores River Valley meeting

Thank you to the more than 60 Montezuma County residents that participated in the hearing for the Dolores River Valley Plan proposed changes on July 7, 2014. There were many good speakers with thoughtful comments. Some were very nervous to speak in public, but they forged through with their ideas on the proposals. One young woman in particular said she was speaking for the "young people." They hope there is a future to look forward to, since the one they are seeing looks bleak.

I was not surprised to hear that the commissioners voted to change the plan, exactly as they had wanted to in the first place. Someone advised me before the meeting that they had already made up their minds, and this hearing was a formality. Of course, they ended up being correct. Fortunately, there are still some rules in place that call for a public hearing so we can have our comments in the official record. Documentation is necessary to build a case for litigation.

We are a democracy, not a dictatorship in this country, and the actions taken were of the dictator variety. The commissioners went against their own planning commission, the town of Dolores, and their constituents. Famous quote: "It ain't over till it's over." Our county commissioners need to know one thing: This is not over!

Mary O'Brien
