
St. Barnabas planning pancake supper event

Fundraiser to benefit Grace’s Kitchen; Cortez notables will flip pancakes

A Mardi Gras pancake supper will be held on Tuesday, March 4 from 4:30 – 7 p.m. at St. Barnabas Church in Cortez.

The meal will include pancakes, sausages, fruit, scrambled eggs and a drink.

Funds raised will go to support Grace’s Kitchen, a Jubilee Ministry of St. Barnabas, which is at the corner of North and Elm.

The cost is $7.50 for adults; $4 for children 10 and under $4; and $20 for a family of two adults and two or more children.

Along with the meal, there will be a pancake-flipping race that will begin at 6 p.m.

Among the city notables who will run in aprons and kerchiefs are Police Chief Roy Lane, Dolores State Bank President Ed Merritt, and school board member Jack Schuenemeyer.

A “celebrity chaser” will follow each runner to keep their time and validate the number of pancake flips they make. Observers will be able to vote for their favorites.

The final day of Mardi Gras season – Fat Tuesday – is also the last day before Lent begins.

Since Lent is a penitential time, foods are used up that are rich with sugar, fat, and eggs – hence the tradition of preparing and eating pancakes.

Pancake flipping goes back to the 15th century. At that time, pancakes were thicker than today’s version and were spiced. During the 18th century, crepes from the French culinary arts influenced recipes bringing them closer to the pancakes of our day.

Cortez notables will be flipping pancakes made from the traditional batter recipe used at St. Barnabas for untold years. Costumes and masks are welcomed but not required.

For more information, call 565-7865.