
Speaker to discuss Pueblo structures

Kuckelman to unveil new evidence

On Aug. 14, as part of the Four Corners Lecture Series, Crow Canyon archaeologist Kristin Kuckelman will discuss new evidence of the uses of ancient Pueblo multiple-story structures.

A professional archaeologist since 1977, Kuckelman has led several long-term excavation projects that included the investigation of multi-story structures, including projects at Castle Rock, Yellow Jacket, and Goodman Point pueblos.

Kuckelman, who holds a master’s degree from the University of Texas–Austin, has been a researcher at the Crow Canyon Archaeological Center for 25 years, has served as president of the Colorado Council of Professional Archaeologists, and is currently Crow Canyon’s research publications manager. She has authored many journal articles, book chapters, and volume-length site reports on the archaeology of the northern Southwest. Her areas of interest include subsistence stress, pre-state violence, environmental impacts on societal decision-making, and processes of depopulation.

Kuckelman’s presentation is titled “Work Room, Storage Room, Kitchen, and Refuge: The Many and Varied Uses of Multiple-Story Structures in Late Pueblo III Villages of the Northern San Juan.”

The program will begin at 7 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 14, at the Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, 23390 Road K, Cortez. All Four Corners Lecture Series presentations are free to the public.