Southwest Medical Group’s clinic in Mancos now open Fridays

The Southwest Medical Group clinic in Mancos on a rainy day, located at 111 Railroad Ave. (Cameryn Cass/The Journal)
Dr. Megan Viquez, a recent addition to the staff, will be the provider

For the first time since April 2023, the Southwest Medical Group’s clinic in Mancos will be open on Fridays.

It’s now open Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

“Being open Mondays and Fridays will hopefully open the opportunity to receive care here and not to have to travel to Cortez or Durango,” said Southwest Health System’s CEO Joe Theine at a Mancos board meeting Jan. 22.

Dr. Megan Viquez will be the only provider there on Fridays, said Kierra Fury, the director of clinical operations at Southwest Health System.

“She’s family medicine and does obstetric care, including performing C-sections. Care is available to everyone on Fridays, depending on availability,” Fury said.

“This includes acute visits or patients wanting to establish care with Dr. Viquez on Fridays.”

The town of Mancos collaborated with the hospital “to ensure expanded access to quality health care for our citizens,” said Mancos Town Administrator Heather Alvarez.

The town contributed funding that allowed previously unused generators to get hooked up at the Mancos clinic, which is important since it stores vaccines there.

“If the power goes out, whether it’s the middle of the night or the middle of the day, we’d have to race the vaccines back to Cortez so we don’t lose them,” Theine said. “Having that backup power is actually really essential just in keeping the primary care services we have.”

“SHS and the Mancos clinic are an intrinsic part of the health of our community,” Alvarez said. “The Town Board sincerely appreciates all of the hard work and energy SHS has put toward expanding the hours and services offered here in Mancos.”

And in the future, “We will continue to collaborate as much as we possibly can with SHS to ensure that our community stays healthy and happy,” Alvarez said.

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