Southwest Basin Roundtable seeks voting members

The Journal

The Southwest Basin Roundtable seeks two voting members and a nonvoting liaison.

The terms of the at-large positions have expired. One of the new at-large members will represent environmental interests and be nominated by an environmental conservation organization.

The nonvoting liaison will lead a committee to facilitate the educational and outreach goals of the Roundtable. Roundtable members are eligible to serve as well.

For more information about the available positions and requirements, visit the Roundtable website at

Applicants should submit a letter with their qualifications to Laura Spann at or Southwestern Water Conservation District, 841 E. Second Ave., Durango, CO 81301, no later than Sept. 26.

Elections will be held Oct. 10 at the Durango Public Library at 3 p.m., and applicants will have an opportunity to address Roundtable members.

For more specific information, call Roundtable Chairman Mike Preston at 565-7562.