‘Social engineering’ over education

The Durango Herald's article on the School District 9-R board’s vote of disapproval makes it clear that most of the worries about Ascent Classical Academy of Durango were because Ascent didn't have the exact same social-engineering approach to education that the leftist school board has. Someone needs to send the message that people are worried about their children getting an adequate education, not that the children be indoctrinated into the latest social-engineering beliefs. Frankly, I'm astounded that the school board is so openly leftist and that the Herald isn't trying to disguise the leftism of the school board, the way most uncomfortable facts are shielded in this town.

The real question is whether another school in this town can improve the general education level, not whether another school in this town can help produce Democrat voters who worry about social engineering more than they worry about a solid education.

Mike Sigman
