
Snowstorms again close down Mesa Verde National Park

Mesa Verde National Park closed down multiple days this winter because of heavy snow. (Courtesy Mesa Verde National Park)
Storms have shut down park for at least eight days this winter

The recent winter storm shut down Mesa Verde National Park for three days.

The park has been closed Feb. 14-16 because of significant snowfall and unsafe travel conditions on the park road, according to a park Facebook post.

Visitor are asked to check the park’s Facebook page in the morning for updated conditions.

Snow tires or traction devices will be required when the park opens. Visitors should expect snowpacked and icy road conditions.

The park has closed at least eight days this winter because of heavy snowfall that created impassable and unsafe conditions on the twisting, 22-mile road into the park.

Mesa Verde National Park had a 14-inch base on Feb. 14, and it has snowed a foot since then. (Courtesy Mesa Verde National Park)

The park announced shutdowns Dec. 28, Jan. 1-2, Jan. 15-16 and Feb. 14-16.

As of Feb. 14, the park had a 14-inch snowpack, said Tom Renwick, meteorologist with the National Park Service.

On Feb. 15, the park entrance saw a foot of new snow, so it is likely 20 inches or so fell at higher elevations in the park, he said.

The record for snow depth in Mesa Verde National Park for Feb. 16 is 30 inches in both 1978 and 1936, Renwick said.

All the snow has created good snowshoe and skiing conditions at the park. There are trails at Morefield Campground, 4 four miles from the park entrance. The Cliff Palace Road is also available for outdoor recreation. Park at the museum parking lot and take the connector trail.