Sneakers & spiritual renewal

My sneakers remind me of my spiritual life.

I hope I got your attention with that non sequitur.

As close as I can figure, I have about 800 walking miles on my current set of sneakers, plus all the wear and tear that accrues through daily wear since I bought them. But, you know what? They are still comfortable. When I was out in Colorado Springs recently, my wife, Kim asked if I needed new shoes. She had a 30 percent discount coupon at Kohl’s. I said, “No, they are still very comfortable, but you might as well get me some, I will need them eventually.” I texted her every possible number I could find in the shoe, and she ordered me exactly the same shoe I am currently wearing. It is an Adidas walking shoe that I really like.

Ever since I said I didn’t need shoes, I have noticed I am feeling a little uncomfortable after a very long walk. I thought my current shoes were wearing down, but they were still good enough. I was OK with them, not great, but OK.

Then Kim brought the new pair to me. I had left them in the box until she urged me to try on the new pair, because even with the same model, sometimes the shoe will fit differently. I agreed, slipped off the old ones, and got into the new ones.

Bo,y did they ever feel good! Arch support and everything. Then I turned them over, and was just amazed at how worn out my old shoes were. I just couldn’t imagine and did not realize my shoes were in such bad shape. They are still serviceable. They work for me, but they are just not in great shape.

Going into the Lenten and Easter seasons, I felt pretty good about where I was spiritually. My prayer life was good. Since the new year, I have counted my blessings each day. I am a part of two wonderful Bible study groups. I read and applied the scriptures each week as I prepared worship.

Speaking of worship, there is nothing as healthy or as good for me as worship on Sunday with my church family. In other words, my spiritual life fit me. It was OK. I have since realized my spiritual life was serviceable but not in the greatest of shapes.

Then Lent, Easter and the Easter season came. I began taking “spiritual days” about twice a week that included fasting, special time in prayer, and intentional writing. I have continued counting my blessing each and everyday. Our worship focus on the last week of Jesus’ life and the Resurrection stories has been tremendous for me.

Suddenly, my spiritual life felt renewed and refreshed. My relationship with the Lord feels good and strong. I can feel the support of the Lord and my congregation. It has been like slipping on a new pair of shoes.

I was going along OK and didn’t realize that my spiritual life had slipped a little.

Now you can see how it reminds me of my shoes. All seemed well, but I just had not realized it could be so much better.

I pray as we move from spring into summer, you can realize that maybe your spiritual life can use a renewal, and that you will find that renewal with the support of the Lord and Christians who feed you and help you. It will feel as good as walking in a new pair of shoes.

Steve Nofel is co-pastor of Montezuma Valley Presbyterian Church.