
Skate and bike competition on Saturday

Annual event aims to spark awareness, discussion of suicide
A boarder soars through the air at the Cortez Skate Park.

A family-friendly bike and skate competition is held Saturday as part of a multi-year suicide awareness campaign.

“This competition has grown in leaps and bounds every year,” said event organizer Melissa Moreno, who launched the contest after losing her son to suicide. “This year, we are expecting several hundred people.”

The fourth annual Skate for Life event is held at the Cortez skate park on Saturday, May 30. Registration starts at 9 a.m., with the first round of BMX competitions starting at 10 a.m. The skate competition starts about noon.

“Each competition starts with the kids that are 10 and under,” said Moreno. “They will be followed by beginner, intermediate and advanced levels before ending with best trick.”

Competitors under 18 must provide a signed waiver from a parent or legal guardian. A $5 donation is requested to enter the competition, but no child will be turned away, said event sponsor P.A. Jackson.

“I’ll pay the entry fee if a kid doesn’t have the money,” said Jackson.

The event also includes a Hula Hooping contest and sack race, as well as testimonials from survivors and loved ones. Live music performances from about a dozen hip-hop and rock groups from across the Four Corners will end the event Saturday afternoon.

The Cortez Church of the Nazarene will provide free food and drinks.

Salt Lake City skater and artist Hillary Livingston painted two skateboards that will be raffled off at the event. Other individuals and companies have also donated prizes that will be awarded to competition winners.

For more, visit the fourth annual Skate For Life/Skate and BMX Competition/Music Festival on Facebook.