
‘Sickening to listen to Trump rant’

We have grave choices to make in the next presidential election. We can continue with a old, and sometime blundering good and decent man, or vote for a totally corrupt and amoral creature.

The following are self-evident facts: Donald Trump lies constantly; steals secret documents; cheats taxes and is a sexual predator. Even after the “Access Hollywood” tape, Republicans still support him.

I can understand why extremists and white nationalists would worship the hatred Trump represents. But why the evangelists? Isn’t Trump teaching the opposite of peace, truth, inclusion and love that Jesus preached?

It is sickening to listen to Trump rant of hatred of Muslims and immigrants from south of the border. Will these people really poison the blood of good, white Americans? What of the poisoning of the minds that Trump has already infected in millions? The most powerful weapon in Adolf Hitler’s arsenal was hate. Any minorities and women who vote for Trump are voting for racism and misogyny.

Our Founding Fathers sacrificed everything for our democracy, and now a draft dodger and insurrectionist wants to destroy it.

The petty and spiteful acts by Trumps stooges, such as La Plata County GOP chair Shelli Shaw, show the utter lack of respect for our democracy.

Wake up to the harsh reality. Trump tried to abolish our democracy once and he is still actively supporting that campaign.

This election for the president in 2024 will determine if the U.S. remains free or becomes a dictatorship.

Vote wisely. Our personal freedoms hang in the balance.

Tim Fleming

Bloomfield, New Mexico