
‘Show up. Show ’em the door’

Polling data show most Americans overwhelmingly support a woman’s right to an abortion.

Too bad. There’s a judge in Texas that says “no.”

Polling data show that most Americans believe some gun regulations are needed.

Too bad. The minority says “no” and they’re not budging.

Many wear AR-15 lapel pins to demonstrate how little they care about the majority.

The pickle we find ourselves in this democracy called the United States of America is worrisome.

You do your “civic duty” and cast a ballot for president of the U.S.

The minority candidate loses the election because he garnered fewer votes than the majority.

Too bad. That losing candidate wants the majority of votes canceled, making him the victor.

In 2024, Americans must rise up against these serious compromises of our right to be heard.

Some in the minority want the scourge of slavery to disappear from America’s history henceforth.

Here’s the fix.

Show ’em the door in such numbers that they disappear from America’s history henceforth.

Women’s rights, minority rights, gay rights, the right to live in peace, security, the pursuit of happiness. That and more is up for grabs in ’24.

Show up. Show ’em the door.

Keith Riker
