
Sheriff’s blotter

Friday, Feb. 7

6:08 p.m. A man was arrested and cited with a DUI at the Maverick in Cortez, 455 N. State St. According to police, he failed roadside tests, smelled of alcohol, reportedly drove into oncoming traffic multiple times and had an open beer can in his center console.

Sunday, Feb. 9

5:35 p.m. A woman who smelled of alcohol said she dropped her cigarette near Joe Moore Reservoir in Mancos, in the 14000 block of Road 40.2. It lit a roughly 200 square-foot area of dry grass on fire. The reporting party said it threatened his home and three other homes in the area, and she was arrested for a felony charge after denying a half-burned Natural Light can and lighter belonged to her in the burned area.

Tuesday, Feb. 11

8:24 a.m. An unknown individual broke into and damaged three storage sheds at the Ute Mountain Rest Area, 33001 U.S. Highway 160. Nothing appeared to be missing from the sheds, though an estimated $300 of damage was done.

2:12 p.m. A homeowner in the 18000 block of Colorado Highway 145 began renovations on his mobile home without first obtaining a building permit, which is required in Dolores’ Town Ordinance. He was issued a summons for failing to obtain a building permit.

Wednesday, Feb. 12

11:20 a.m. A man with a warrant was arrested at the Montezuma County Detention Center, 730 E. Driscoll St.

Thursday, Feb. 13

8:33 a.m. A woman with a warrant turned herself in at the Montezuma County Detention Center, 730 E. Driscoll St.