Sheriff’s blotter

Monday, Dec. 23

4:32 p.m. A man left his girlfriend’s debit card in a gasoline pump at Love’s, 7006 U.S. Highway 160, while he was being arrested in an unrelated case. Someone then used the card to run up $1,000 in charges around Cortez, including four charges at a massage parlor. Nearly $400 has been refunded so far.

Thursday, Dec. 26

10:01 a.m. An inmate at the Montezuma County Detention Center was cited with violating a protection order by telephoning a protected person.

1:14 p.m. A woman stopped in the 32200 block of U.S. Highway 160 in Cortez to drop off presents unannounced, and a white/brown heeler dog bit her foot. She declined to press charges. The dog was up-to-date on all shots and was placed in quarantine for 10 days.

Saturday, Jan. 4

11:00 a.m. An inmate allegedly punched another inmate at the Montezuma County Detention Center, 730 E. Driscoll St. A camera captured the event, and the suspect was cited with third-degree assault and is due in court in February.

Monday, Jan. 6

9:59 a.m. A man visiting his sister in the 6800 block of Road 25 in Cortez got in an argument with his nephew when talking about the Twin Towers. The nephew allegedly pushed him out the door, which hurt his back and elbow. The man wanted to press charges, but his sister did not. It was unclear how they would proceed.

2:01 p.m. A woman lying and sobbing in the road near the intersection of Road 21 and Road E in Cortez said she had been hit by a car. Two crushed alcohol shooters were at the scene, and she reportedly smelled like alcohol. She told EMS that she had been assaulted in a vehicle, then dropped off. She had a minor abrasion on her ankle and a broken nose. No injuries indicated she had been hit by a vehicle.

Thursday, Jan. 9

2:16 p.m. A man with a warrant for having no insurance and expired plates was arrested at the Montezuma Combined Courts, 865 N. Park St. in Cortez.

Friday, Jan. 10

11:54 a.m. A person with a warrant for failing to appear on burglary charges was arrested at the Montezuma County Detention Center, 730 E. Driscoll St.

7:43 p.m. A person with a warrant was arrested at the Montezuma County Detention Center, 730 E. Driscoll St.

Saturday, Jan. 11

1:45 a.m. A woman who suspected her husband of infidelity allegedly threw his phone, and admitted that she punched him in the ribs and pushed him in the 25000 block of Road G in Cortez. She was arrested on suspicion of harassment and domestic violence and taken to the Montezuma County Detention Center, 730 E. Driscoll St.

12:25 p.m. Two cars crashed in front of 24281 Road K No. 7 in Cortez, and briefly blocked traffic. Neither driver was intoxicated or injured.

Sunday, Jan. 12

11:05 a.m. A man was arrested in the 200 block of South Seventh Street in Dolores after allegedly violating a protection order barring him from entering the home. He told deputies he was a disabled veteran and had nowhere else to go.

Monday, Jan. 13

5:00 p.m. A driver was trapped in the cab of his GMC truck, which got detached from the rest of the vehicle after being involved in a two-vehicle collision at the intersection of Road M and U.S. Highway 491 in Cortez. The other driver was a juvenile. Fire staff helped retrieve the trapped man and took him to the hospital. It was unknown whether he sustained serious bodily injury.

Tuesday, Jan. 14

9:28 a.m. A driver who was reportedly swerving in and out of the northbound lane in the 14000 block of U.S. Highway 491 hit a semitrailer. The driver had medical issues and “did not know where he was, where he was coming from, and where he was going. He was taken to Southwest Memorial Hospital.

2:33 p.m. Court security at the Montezuma Combined Courts, 865 N. Park St., detained a person with a warrant for driving with impaired ability and without a license. He was arrested and taken to the Montezuma County Jail.