8:06 a.m. A deputy at the Montezuma County Detention Center, 730 E. Driscoll St., took a report from a woman for harassment via text messages.
12:09 p.m. An officer took a report from a woman for a stolen SD Card from a phone that was lost in the 3000 block of Road G and found in the 400 block of North Broadway.
5:56 p.m. An officer took a report for a red and black FILA backpack containing mail and a birth certificate for a woman that was found in the 34900 block of U.S. Highway 160, Mancos.
9:10 a.m. A deputy took a report from a man of fraud that occurred at Dolores State Bank, 101 S. Sixth St., Dolores.
11:58 a.m. A deputy arrested a man on a warrant at the intersection of U.S. Highway 160 and County Road F 5.
6:35 p.m. A deputy served two warrants to a woman in the custody of the Montezuma County Detention Center, 730 E. Driscoll St.
9:55 p.m. A deputy responding to a domestic dispute from a woman at 41783 Colorado Highway 184 in Mancos arrested her on a warrant for failing to appear.
3:22 p.m. An officer cited a woman in the custody of the Montezuma County Detention Center, 730 E. Driscoll St., with two counts of violating a protection order.
9:41 a.m. A deputy served a warrant to a man in the custody of the Montezuma County Detention Center, 730 E. Driscoll St.
10:40 a.m. A deputy at the Montezuma County Detention Center, 730 E. Driscoll St., took a report for the relinquishment of two rifles and ammunition belonging to a man who is restrained from possessing firearms.