
Sheriff’s blotter

Tuesday, Sept. 5

3:59 p.m. A woman in the 28200 block of U.S. Highway 160 noticed her wallet, airpods and $200 in cash were missing from her vehicle.

Thursday, Sept. 7

3:26 p.m. A woman in the 22200 block of Road F was arrested on suspicion of DUI and possessing an open container in vehicle.

6:14 p.m. A man outside a residence in the 13500 block of Road 29 was arrested on suspicion of violation of a protection order.

Friday, Sept. 8

7:58 a.m. A man driving in the 2600 block of Road P stopped for another man standing in the roadway. When the driver asked the man to move he started swinging a longboard at the driver’s vehicle, denting it.

Saturday, Sept. 9

6:02 p.m. A man in the 6700 block of Road 24 was arrested on suspicion of trespassing.

Tuesday, Sept. 12

3:20 p.m. A person found a backpack containing ammunition and knives in the 22000 block of Colorado Highway 184 and turned it over to a deputy.

Friday, Sept. 15

12:27 a.m. A deputy served a warrant to a man in custody of the Montezuma County Detention Center, 730 E. Driscoll St.

1:25 p.m. A deputy found a bundle of papers with a GPS device in the Ute Mountain Casino parking lot, 3 Weeminuche Drive.

Saturday, Sept. 16

1:22 a.m. A woman at Ute Mountain Casino, 3 Weeminuche Drive, was arrested on suspicion of trespassing.

Sunday, Sept. 17

2:50 a.m. A woman who went to her ex-boyfriend’s house in the 25500 block of Road F and attacked him while he was sleeping, was arrested on suspicion of assault and domestic violence.

6:13 p.m. A man in the 100 block of North 18th Street in Dolores was arrested on a warrant.

The Journal