Sheriff’s Blotter

Friday, Aug. 21

2:30 p.m. A woman backed her vehicle into another vehicle when leaving a yard sale in the 24200 block of County Road M.

Monday, Aug. 24

11:48 a.m. An abandoned vehicle was towed in the 34900 block of U.S. Highway 160.

Tuesday, Aug. 25

12:26 p.m. A woman was arrested on an active warrant at the Montezuma County Detention Center, 730 E. Driscoll St.

Wednesday, Aug. 26

6:56 a.m. A controlled burn was reported in the 27000 block of County Road P. The suspect had a permit, but it was invalid due to the fire ban. The fire was extinguished.

8:39 a.m. A female inmate was served with a warrant at Montezuma County Combined Courts, 865 N. Park St.

11:26 a.m. A male inmate was served with a warrant for failure to comply at Montezuma County Combined Courts, 865 N. Park St.

11:36 a.m. A male inmate was served with a warrant for failure to appear at Montezuma County Combined Courts, 865 N. Park St.

Thursday, Aug. 27

8:06 a.m. A woman reported damage to her vehicle and domestic abuse in the area of Forest Service Road 561E. She did not want to press charges against her husband and refused medical attention or alternative housing. A warrant will be filed for the husband.

11:25 a.m. A firearm was reported stolen in the 23000 block of County Road L.

1:11 p.m. A man was arrested on an active warrant at Montezuma County Detention Center, 730 E. Driscoll St.

2:28 p.m. A man was remanded into custody at Montezuma County Combined Courts, 865 N. Park St. A breath test indicated a BAC over the legal limit.

3:28 p.m. A man was arrested on suspicion of domestic abuse and harassment in the 100 block of Breanna Lane. A pregnant woman asked her husband to move out and said she wanted a divorce. The husband allegedly became physically aggressive and injured her.

7:49 p.m. A woman was arrested on suspicion of violating a protection order in the 12400 block of County Road 21. A verbal altercation occurred between two neighbors, violating a no-contact order.

Friday, Aug. 28

7:58 a.m. Damage to a business’s back gate was reported in the 24000 block of County Road G.2. Security footage showed a semitrailer hitting the back gate.

9:07 a.m. A man was cited on suspicion of obstructing a roadway in the 20000 block of County Road S. A semitrailer driver encountered a low water pipe he could not drive under and attempted an alternate route. The vehicle’s tires ran off the road and became stuck. It was placed back on the roadway by a tow truck.

1:48 p.m. A male inmate was served with a warrant for failure to appear at Montezuma County Detention Center, 730 E. Driscoll St.

2:34 p.m. A male inmate was served with a warrant for failure to appear at Montezuma County Detention Center, 730 E. Driscoll St.

2:42 p.m. A male inmate was served with three warrants for failure to appear at Montezuma County Detention Center, 730 E. Driscoll St.

3:58 p.m. A writ of restitution was posted on a residence in the 600 block of North Elm Street.

Monday, Aug. 31

9:16 a.m. An abandoned vehicle that was blocking the roadway was towed in the 20000 block of County Road P. The owner could not be located.

10:29 p.m. A man was arrested on an active felony warrant for failure to comply in the area of Weeminuche Drive.

The Journal