Sheriff’s blotter

Monday, Dec. 14

4:17 p.m. A firearm was reported stolen in the 30000 block of County Road M.9.

Tuesday, Dec. 15

5:32 p.m. A woman was arrested on suspicion of a protection order violation and domestic violence in the 19900 block of County Road 19. A man had a protection order against her.

Wednesday, Dec. 16

2:22 p.m. A man was cited on suspicion of driving with a restrained license when 18 or younger, DUI and DUI per se in the 1100 block of Railroad Avenue.

2:57 p.m. Two vehicles crashed in the area of 11th Street and Central Avenue in Dolores.

Thursday, Dec. 17

6:58 p.m. A man was arrested after fleeing a traffic stop in the area of County Roads 21 and B.

Monday, Dec. 21

12:33 p.m. A woman reported a lost wallet in the 1000 block of Railroad Avenue.

2:20 p.m. A male inmate was cited on suspicion of first-degree introduction of contraband and first-degree possession of contraband at Montezuma County Detention Center, 730 E. Driscoll St. Foil with burned residue was found in his cell.

Wednesday, Dec. 23

11:36 a.m. Chain saw parts were reported stolen from a business in the 100 block of N. 17th Street.

Thursday, Dec. 24

10:04 a.m. A suspicious man was seen attempting to jump-start a vehicle that did not belong to him in the 15400 block of County Road 33.

Friday, Dec. 25

9:39 a.m. A man was arrested on suspicion of menacing, second-degree assault and criminal intent in the 12700 block of County Road 22. The man was a suspect in an assault on a woman. He was uncooperative until approached with a Taser.

4:08 p.m. A detached shed caught fire in the 11600 block of County Road 44. A van and riding lawnmower were damaged. The cause is unknown.

Saturday, Dec. 26

9:02 a.m. Propane bottles were reported stolen from a store in the 28300 block of County Road G.

1:40 p.m. No citations were issued in a two-vehicle collision in the 500 block of South Fourth Street because of icy conditions.

5:05 p.m. A vehicle crash occurred in the 24700 block of County Road L. A woman was moving a vehicle and was unable to stop it from moving forward. The vehicle went off the driveway and rolled onto its top. The driver sustained minor injuries.

Sunday, Dec. 27

7:13 p.m. A woman was arrested on suspicion of third-degree assault and domestic violence in the 13400 block of County Road 23. A verbal altercation between a couple escalated into the woman allegedly striking the man and him pushing her away and leaving the residence.

Monday, Dec. 28

10:08 p.m. A male inmate was cited on suspicion of criminal mischief at Montezuma County Detention Center, 730 E. Driscoll St. He was caught on camera punching a Turnkey kiosk.

Tuesday, Dec. 29

8:02 a.m. Domestic violence was reported in the 32700 block of County Road P. The accusations were deemed to be unfounded.

Wednesday, Dec. 30

12:11 p.m. A male inmate was cited on suspicion of criminal mischief at Montezuma County Detention Center, 730 E. Driscoll St. He was caught on camera breaking a computer monitor.

12:52 p.m. A woman was cited for violating a protection order for consuming alcohol in the 24000 block of County Road F.4.

2:36 p.m. Fraud was reported in the 27100 block of County Road P. A man’s identity was used to filed a fraudulent unemployment claim.

5:43 p.m. Fraud was reported in the 21200 block of County Road P.3. A man’s identity was used to filed a fraudulent unemployment claim.

The Journal