Sheriff Blotter

Monday, April 20

9:42 a.m. A lost license plate was reported in the 2600 block of East Empire Street.

10:07 a.m. An attempted burglary was reported in the 100 block of North 20th Street. The owner reported she heard noise outside about 1 a.m. and thought it was an animal. At 6 a.m., her daughter noticed a hole in a window screen and a partially open screen.

Tuesday, April 21

9:30 a.m. A man turned in found credit cards to the Sheriff’s Office. He reported the credit cards were found near an abandoned fire ring in the area of Forest Service Road 526. Attempts to contact the cards’ owner were unsuccessful.

Wednesday, April 22

8:59 a.m. The windshield of a woman’s pickup was shot, apparently by a BB gun, in the 28200 block of U.S. Highway 160. The woman reported ongoing issues with neighbors. The deputy questioned neighbors, but none reported seeing anything. The woman also stated she thought someone had tried to pry open the front door of her mobile home. The deputy observed several scratches on the door frame. The woman was not sure anything had been stolen, because of the home’s general disarray.

12:58 p.m. A man reported a lost or stolen firearm. He stated he had been running errands in Cortez and in the county starting at 6 a.m. April 18 and noticed the firearm was missing from the holster. The weapon was entered into the NCIC/CCIC databases as lost of stolen.

1:32 p.m. A woman reported that an email threatened that her computer camera and internet search history had been hacked and that the sending party had her password. The sender stated that the woman had recorded solo sexual activities, and the video would be shared with friends and family if she did not purchase an amount of Bitcoin. The deputy advised the woman to change her password and how to report the incident to the FBI internet fraud reporting center. The report was also forwarded to CBI.

Sunday, April 26

1:59 p.m. An inmate at the Montezuma County Jail, 730 East Driscoll St., sought to press charges against another male inmate for spitting on him. Surveillance video showed an intense discussion between the two men, ending with the spitting incident. The spitter was cited for harassment.

Monday, April 27

2:52 p.m. A water issue was reported in the 13100 block of County Road 21. A previous resolution required each water user to install measuring devices, but one user had not complied. The deputy provided the owner with a copy of the state statute requiring him to install a meter. The deputy will follow up to make sure the work is completed.

Wednesday, April 29

11:54 a.m. A fence was damaged in the 100 block of North 20th Street. No suspects were identified.

12:19 p.m. A woman found a BB gun rifle in the 100 block of North 20th Street and asked that it be destroyed. The BB gun was placed into evidence for destruction.

5:59 p.m. A woman at a residence in the 7200 block of Road 25 reported that a repairman had taken her ladder. A deputy could not reach the repairman by phone, but sent him a text message asking him to call him. The deputy will follow up.

Thursday, April 30

10:45 a.m. A deputy responded to the 16600 block of County Road 25 after a man was concerned that a neighbor was using water from his ditch to fill a horse pond. The owner had been given permission to use five shares of water by another water shareholder. Shortly after the deputy arrived, the other property owner arrived, and he stated he had an ongoing disagreement about the ditch with the property owner who had reported the problem. The second man asked for a civil standby May 4 when he and other shareholders planned to clean the ditch.

2:19 p.m. Possible stolen property was being pawned was reported at a store in the 24000 block of County Road G.2. A man had being coming into the business four or five times a week to pawn or sell nontraceable items. The pawn shop decided not to purchase any more items from him. The seller then called the store’s Durango location and accused the other man of discrimination. The deputy obtained the man’s complete pawn history and pictures of several of the items.

Friday, May 1

11:26 a.m. A woman reportedly jumped from a man’s car in the 13700 block of County Road 42. A Mancos Marshal’s Office sergeant and a deputy reported the woman appeared to be intoxicated. The woman stated she went for a ride with a man she met in a Mancos store. However, the man then drove in a different direction and began “talking weird,” and they got into an argument, so she jumped out of the car. She denied being kidnapped or assaulted and said the car was traveling 45 to 50 mph when she jumped out. The deputy observed no injuries or dirt marks on her person. The woman left the scene with several sober friends. The driver, who was located later, said he picked up the woman for companionship and told her they’d visit a mutual friend. The woman called the friend, then hung up the phone, which upset the man because he also needed to talk to him. The man stopped the car while they argued, he said, and the woman then got out of the car with her belongings. The man noticed he was missing property after she left and drove after her and confronted her about stealing his property. The deputy determined no criminal activity had occurred and recommended the man look for companionship in a more appropriate setting.

Saturday, May 2

7:01 a.m. A man who had knocked on several doors in the 25200 block of Road G, told deputies his brother had shot him in the face with a BB gun. The man had been knocking on doors trying to check on a woman he knew and someone pointed a gun out the door, so he left. When he returned to where he was staying, the doors were locked, so he climbed on the roof and tapped on his brother’s window. The brother began shooting a BB gun at him, so he ran off. Then someone started chasing him on a four-wheeler. The deputy observed two small puncture wounds on the man’s face and one on his arm. He refused medical treatment and left on foot. The brother said the man climbed onto the roof and threw a piece of wood through the window. He stated that he picked up a nail gun and waved it at his brother to scare him off. He denied shooting a BB gun, and a deputy concluded it was dusty from disuse. No charges were filed. The man was not available for further questioning.

Tuesday, May 5

4:14 p.m. A woman reported she had been harassed by a man she had a protection order against in the 200 block of North 15th Street. The woman stated the man had arrived at the house and complained about firearms missing. The deputy was unable to locate the man. At 11:35 p.m. the woman reported that the man was under her mobile home talking to himself. Deputies asked the man to come out, and he was arrested and charged with two counts of violating a protection order.

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