Seismic study begins in Dolores District

Work has begun on the Kinder Morgan 3-D Seismic Study for the Doe Canyon Deep Unit in the “Glade” area of the Dolores District.

Kinder Morgan will conduct seismic surveys to locate CO2 reserves from May through the middle of August.

This project, which began on Bureau of Land Management ground last summer, is scheduled to resume on the San Juan National Forest.

Initially, crews will be working along Forest Road 504 between the Dolores River Canyon rim and Narraguinnep Canyon. Trucks will transport equipment up the switchbacks above the Bradfield Bridge, where the public can expect occasional, short-term delays. As the summer progresses, the seismic activity will move north toward Forest Service Road 514 and the Glade Lake area and east across Narraguinnep Canyon.

Daily activities associated with this project will include two to four helicopters transporting equipment; drilling activity; surveyors walking through the forest; pickup truck, crew-van and UTV traffic on Forest Service roads; crews on foot; temporary flagging and paint spots on the ground; and concentrated activity at five pre-determined and permitted staging areas.

For more information, call 882-7296 and ask for Robert Guarrigues, Debbie Kill or Tracy Perfors.

May 8, 2014
Kinder Morgan to invest $344 million in Montezuma County