
Second U.S. 160 corridor meeting on June 23

Live polling on options will be conducted by CDOT

Work with CDOT on improving the Highway 160 Corridor will continue with a second public input session

on Tuesday, June 23rd from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Mancos Community Center.

This is a follow up meeting to begin selecting options for gateway signage, intersection improvements, access points, streetscaping, and bike and pedestrian ways.

A first meeting was held on April 23 with over 30 members of the community in attendance to discuss potential options for this important corridor. Options discussed were slimming down roadways with medians and bike lanes, as well as adding landscaping, among others.

Planning and design assistance is provided on this project by Russell Engineering of Durango.

For more information, or to make a comment on the project, please visit the project web site at: