Scoring error costs Dove Creek

Four days after the Dove Creek volleyball team's loss to Fleming in the semifinals of the Colorado 1A state volleyball tournament, it appears that a scoring error cost the Bulldogs.

It occurred in the second set with the Bulldogs ahead 19-18.

After a Fleming spike sailed long, officials failed to award Dove Creek a point, and the score stayed 19-18.

The Bulldogs were then awarded a point after a Fleming error, bringing the scoreboard to 20-18.

A Fleming kill brought the scoreboard to 20-19, at which point play was stopped and officials huddled to discuss the score. Though the score should have read 21-19, they ruled that it was 20-20.

The Bulldogs scored two points to lead 22-20 on the scoreboard. It should have read 23-19.

Three points by Fleming then put the Bulldogs behind 22-23 on the scoreboard. It should have favored the Bulldogs 23-22.

Two points by the Bulldogs should have secured a 25-22 set victory. Instead, the scoreboard read 24-23 in favor of Dove Creek.

Fleming then scored three straight points to win 26-24.

Fleming then won the third to secure a 25-18, 26-24, 25-17 match victory in route to a win in the 1A state championship.

"I feel bad for the girls," said Bulldogs head coach Scott Knuckles. "With things tied up at 1-1, that could have made the difference."

"As a coach and fan, you assume that everyone is doing their job up there," he added. "That's not always the case, and people make mistakes."

Knuckles said he hopes recognition of the error will prevent similar calamities.

A Colorado High School Activities Association representative was unavailable to comment.