
School News Students move into new digs

Students reportedly started the big move Friday into the new science/vocational education building at the Dolores High School just before Christmas vacation started. Students moved items into the classrooms for teachers and classes will start Jan. 6 in the multimillion dollar building, marking the end of the $7 million construction project at the Dolores Schools.

The largest portion of the construction project was the science/vocational education building and Superintendent Scott Cooper said classes will start in the stat-of-the-art building when students come back from the holiday break.

The new building is about 11,000 square feet and replaces the old science building, which had a faulty roof, poor air circulation and the corners of the cinder block building were not tied together properly. It also had no windows.

Funding for this project dame from three sources: $2.67 million from The building Excellent Schools Today (BEST) grant, $3.47 million from the school bond passed by the Dolores community and $750,000 from district reserves.

Concert a good time

The Dolores Elementary School Holiday Program last Thursday was a resounding success. The Auxiliary Gym was packed and the students all sounded amazing. Music Teacher Amy Bean did an amazing job, as usual.

Invitation from the superintendent

The District Advisory and Accountability Committee invites you to participate in a discussion about school finance. This event will be on Jan. 20

For more information, call 882-7255.

Key dates

Jan. 5: Staff in-service/No School for students

Jan. 6: Back to School for students

Jan. 8: Regular School Board meeting at 6 p.m.

Jan. 16: No School

Jan. 19: No School

Jan. 20: Dolores School District Accountability and Advisory Committee meeting on school finance at 6 p.m. at 100 N. Sixth St.

Feb. 6: Ribbon-cutting ceremony on the east side of the high school campus at noon.

So you have School News to report? Email Shannon Livick at

Shannon Livick