
School news: New teachers check in after first week

Ryan Hoover: "I am really happy I chose to be a part of Dolores Schools and the community. My wife, 2 little ones, and I have lived in a few places since moving out here (from Michigan), and this is by far the best place we have been. The community (Mancos included, as that is where we live) is fantastic, and the schools are top-notch, from what I have not only heard from many sources, but seen firsthand. I have a great group of students who had some big shoes to fill after my students from last year. I am so blessed to have such great students, a very caring and supportive staff, and a great community to live in.

"Thank you to the community of Dolores, and Mancos, for making this feel like home- even though we are 1600 miles from our families. This truly is a great place."

Amanda Hill: "The first week was exhausting but fantastic. The students were eager to be back in school. They were exhausted as well by the end of the week. Thank goodness for four days for the first few weeks of school. The students are among the best ever. They are well prepared and settling into routines nicely."

Angela Lowe: "First of all, let me just say how awesome it is that the local newspaper is such an advocate for the local school district!

"My first impressions of Dolores schools.... I can not believe the incredible learning opportunities happening at this school! The staff is amazing - truly dedicated and innovative!

"The garden program is phenomenal - aquaponics, classroom compost buckets, worm bins. Dolores is creating future botanists, biologists, ecologists, environmentalists, and scientists!

"The art program at every level should be totally celebrated - it just doesn't happen in many districts. The community support is felt throughout the campus and integral to the success of this school district, no doubt."

Josie Snow: "My fifth-grade class went well. The students seem eager and ready to learn. They especially like combining learning and laughter. The new campus is very welcoming, with smiles found everywhere. I am happy to be here."

Dawn Asbjorn: "My fifth-grade class loves to learn new things. When we started discussing ecosystems everyone wanted to talk about various animals, where they live and why they live there. We also discussed, and visited, three man-made ecosystems at our school! We had the worm bin visit the classroom. Students observed the worms' surroundings and measured worms. they noticed some were smaller and we determined that was good, because that meant there were baby worms. We also visited our aqua-ponics installation inside and the sixth grade garden outside. Outside in the garden, flowers, bees, a praying mantis, and a snake were some of that ecosystem's individuals that we observed."