
‘Saying his own mother is poison?’

Donald Trump and his family are poison. We are all immigrants except the Native Americans.

Trump says that immigrants are poison for our country. What a lie. Both sets of my grandparents were immigrants from Italy in the 1920s. They worked in Iowa and Detroit, in coalmines and railroads. They were very successful and sent sons into World War II, along with grandsons who served in the military. They retired happy.

Trump has had three wives and two have been immigrants. His mother was an immigrant in 1930. So is he saying his own mother is poison?

His four kids are from poison wives. Trump has those who vote for him brainwashed. Think and read what Trump really is. And don’t drink the Animas River water north of town or the Kool-Aid. Read, educate yourself and don’t listen to Trumps’ propoganda

He is only looking out for himself to stay out of prison.

Bob Battani
