San Luis refuges open for elk hunting, but regulations apply

Elk hunting is allowed on three national wildlife refuges in the San Luis Valley.

Elk hunting is allowed on three national wildlife refuges in the San Luis Valley. Colorado Parks and Wildlife reminds hunters that there are specific regulations and application procedures for these areas.

Baca National Wildlife Refuge: In designated areas, the refuge is open to hunters with a valid public-land elk license for Game Management Unit 82. An access permit is no longer required. Hunters must continue to follow all Colorado hunting regulations, as well as federal rules. Hunters also need to be aware that Private Land Only licenses are not be valid for use on the refuge.

For specific federal regulations and for maps of the designated hunting areas, go to the website of the Baca refuge at:; or call the refuge office at: 719-256-5527.

Monte Vista National Wildlife Refuge, and Alamosa National Wildlife Refuge: Elk hunting is allowed at these refuges but interested hunters must submit an application to Colorado Parks and Wildlife. Applications will be accepted via email Aug. 8-12 at

To apply to hunt at the Monte Vista refuge hunters must hold a license for GMU 80; for the Alamosa refuge hunters must hold a license for GMU 83. Also eligible for either refuge: archery hunters who have an either-sex archery tag or an antlerless tag; and rifle hunters who have purchased over-the-counter bull tags.

Applications must be submitted by email and include: name, CID number, hunt code of the license they hold, the refuge they want to hunt if it is an OTC license, contact phone number, contact email address.