
San Juan National Forest reminds visitors to close gates

Fence lines and gates run across several trail systems on the San Juan National Forest.

Trail users should close gates they open across these trails. The general rule is to leave gates as they were found, whether it is open or closed. Forest recreation and range specialists continue to discover more gates being left open as summer recreation increases.

These gates ensure grazing livestock stay in correct pastures, stay out of areas and help protect resources. Leaving gates open reduces the ability to effectively manage rangeland resources and creates unnecessary work for the grazing permittees.

Forest visitors should avoid parking vehicles in front of any gates or handling facilities whether they are open or closed.

If a trail user encounters an animal displaying aggressive characteristics, slowly back away from the area. Avoid approaching bulls or getting between a cow and her calf. Give animals space and move around the herd.

For more information, call 247-4874 or visit