
San Juan County moves to Turquoise Level

More restrictions lifted as a result

FARMINGTON – The New Mexico Department of Health released an updated color-coded COVID-19 map this week that shows almost the entire state in the Turquoise Level.

The department announced the update Wednesday and said there are only three counties operating in a level below turquoise. Catron and Valencia counties are operating in the Green Level, while Chaves County is operating in the Yellow Level. There are no counties in the Red Level.

The New Mexico Department of Health updated its COVID-19 map to show San Juan in the Turquoise Level.

San Juan County finally made the climb back to the Turquoise Level after it fell to the Yellow Level.

San Juan County currently averages 28.8 cases per 100,000, a positivity rate of 7.4%, and a fully vaccinated rate of 53.5%.

Under the Turquoise Level, many restrictions have been lifted. Essential businesses have no capacity restrictions; essential retail spaces can operate at 75% capacity for indoor occupancy and 100% for outdoor occupancy; food and drink establishments can operate at 75% indoor occupancy and outdoor dining if the restaurant is NM Safe Certified; large entertainment venues can operate at 33% maximum capacity indoors and 75% outdoors; recreational facilities can operate at 50% capacity indoors and 75% outdoors; bars and clubs can now operate at 33% capacity indoors and 75% outdoors; all other businesses can operate at 75% capacity indoors and no restrictions outdoors; houses of worship can operate at 100% capacity indoors or outdoors “should they so choose”; places of lodging that are NM Safe Certified do not have a restriction, however, other lodgings are capped at 50% capacity; and finally, mass gatherings are limited to 150 people, up from 20 last week.