
San Juan Basin Archaeological Society to host virtual meeting

Archaeological society to host meeting

San Juan Basin Archaeological Society will host a virtual presentation at 7 p.m. Wednesday on Zoom.

After a brief business meeting, Carla M, Sinopoli, director at The Maxwell Museum of Anthropology, will present a talk titled "Landscaped of Stone: Iron Age monuments, rock art and landscapes along the Tungabhadra River, South India.”

The South Indian Iron Age is known for its monumental landscape of megalithic mortuary and commemorative monuments, constructed during a period of emergent social inequalities and the development of regional centers and political systems. Sinopoli will speak about her work along the Tungabhadra River in modern Karnataka. The talk will provide a general introduction to recent archaeological work and discuss stone monuments and rock art and their relations to land use and settlement.

Sinopoli earned her bachelor’s degree from SUNY Binghamton, and her master’s and doctorate at the University of Michigan. Her research has focused on the archaeology of complex societies, the organization of craft production, and the study of archaeological ceramics. She is the author or editor of 11 books and dozens of articles.

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