Results from the open class of the competitions at the 2021 Montezuma County Fair

The chaos of the chicken chase entertains kids and the crowd at the Montezuma County Fair. (Jim Mimiaga/The Journal)
Results from the Montezuma County Fair, provided by Andrea Jeter, 4-H program coordinator of the county Colorado State University Extension.

A. PANTRY – Food Preservation - ADULT / CANNED FRUIT – Ann Streett-Joslin, Blue, Champ; Ann Street-Joslin, Blue,

Reserve Champ; Ann Streett-Joslin, Blue PRESERVES AND MARMALADES – Ann Streett-Josslin, Blue, Reserve Grand

Champion; JELLIES – Ann Streett Joslin, Blue; JAMS – Valorie Workman, Red; Valorie Workman, Red; Ann Streett-

Joslin, Blue; Ann Streett-Joslin, Blue, Reserve Champ; Ann Street-Joslin, Blue, Champ; Ann Streett-Joslin, Blue; Ann

Aug 22, 2021
Results from 4-H competitions at the 2021 Montezuma County Fair

Streett-Joslin, Blue; PICKLES AND RELISHES – Ann Streett-Joslin, Blue, Grand Champion

B. PANTRY – Baked Goods – ADULT/ YEAST BREAD – Susie Thiel, Blue, Reserve Champ; Jennifer Lanier, Blue, Champ,

Grand Champion; Susie Thiel, Blue QUICK BREADS – Robin Hebberd, Red; CAKES – Robin Hebberd, Blue; COOKIES –

Landan Wilson, Blue, Reserve Champ

PANTRY – Baked Goods - YOUTH / DECORATED BAKED GOODS – Siana Elliott, Blue, Grand Champion; PIES –

Lakeine Jorgenson, Blue, Reserve Grand Champion; COOKIES – Honning Jorgenson, Red.


Randol, Blue, Reserve Grand Champion; Sharleen Odell, Blue, Champ, Grand Champion; Patty Randol, Blue,

Reserve Champ; Patty Randol, Blue; RUGS, WALL HANGING, and LATCH HOOK – RK Winfree, Red.

D. NEEDLEWORK – ADULT / NEEDLEPOINT – Lanette Mitchell-Candelaria, Blue, 3 rd Blue; Michelle Chain, Blue, Champ,

Reserve Grand Champion; Michelle Chain, Blue, Reserve Champ; WEAVING – Ann Worthington, Blue; HAND-

KNITTED - CLOTHING – Katherine Foster, Blue; Katherine Foster, Blue, Reserve Champ; Jessica Schneider, Blue,

Champ; Anne Worthington, Blue, 3 rd Blue; CROCHETED - OTHER THAN CLOTHING - Paula Luthi, Blue, Reserve

Champ, Patty Randol, Red; Eric Wilson, Blue, Champ, Grand Champion; Eric Wilson, Blue, 3 rd Blue; Patty Randol,

Red; Patty Randol, Blue. CROCHETED AFGHANS – Michelle Chain, Red; Michelle Chain, Red; Charlotte Folmar, Blue


E. QUILTS - ADULT / DUET QUILTS – Sammie Coulon, Blue; Susie Thiel, Blue; Ruby Uptain, Blue; Rub Uptain, Blue;

LouAnn Ball, Blue, 3 rd Blue; Lanette Mitchell-Candelaria, Blue, Reserve Champ,; Judith Swain, Blue, Champ. ; ONE

PERSON QUILTS – Judith Swain, Blue; Marie Wirth, Blue; Donna Theobald, Blue; Susie Thiel, Blue; Sharleen Odell,

Red; Mary Magness, Red; LaWana Ferrier, Blue, Reserve Champ, Reserve Grand Champion; Judith Swain, Blue; Ruth

Francisco-Wilson, Blue; LouAnn Ball, Blue, 3 rd Blue; Ruth Francisco-Wilson, Blue; Marie Wirth, Blue; LouAnn Ball,

Blue, Champ, Grand Champion; LaWana Ferrier, Blue; Furth Francisco-Wilson, Blue, Reserve Champ; Susan Nietfeld,

Red; Donna Theobald, Blue; Marie Wirth, Blue.

QUILTS - YOUTH / ONE PERSON QUILTS – Jayleigh Gordanier, Blue; Brileigh Gordanite, Blue.

F. HARD MATERIAL CRAFTS - ADULT / GLASS – Katherine Foster, Blue. METAL – Clarence Bug, Blue, Clarence Bug,

Blue. WOOD – RK Winfree, White; RK Winfree, White; Clarence Bug, Blue, Champ; Clarence Bug, White; RK

Winfree, Blue, Reserve Champ; RK Winfree, Blue; Clarence Bug, Blue, Champ; RK Winfree, Blue, Reserve Champ;

Camden Malloy, Red; RK Winfree, White; RK Winfree, Blue, Champ, Grand Champion; RK Winfree, Blue; RK

Winfree, Blue, 3 rd Blue; RK Winfree, Red; Clarence Bug, Blue, Reserve Champ; Bill Gilbert, Blue, Reserve Champ,

Grand Reserve Champion, RK Winfree, Red.

HARD MATERIAL CRAFTS - YOUTH / LEATHER – Amanda Moore, Blue; Bridger Weyand, Blue, Champ, Grand

Champion; Coulter Weyand, White; Taylor Garner, Red; WOOD - Ashlyn Mikkelson, Blue, Champ, Reserve Grand


G. HAND CRAFTS – ADULT / MISCELLANEOUS CRAFTS – Marlyn Lee, Red; Marlyn Lee, White; Alton Smith, Red; RK

Winfree, Blue, Champion, Grand Champion; Anne Worthington, Blue, Reserve Champ, Reserve Grand Champion;

Marlyn Lee, Blue; Charlotte Folmar, Red; Charlotte Folmar, Blue; Marlyn Lee, Blue, 3 rd Blue.


H. FINE ARTS – ADULT / ACRYLIC – Marlyn Lee, Blue.

FINE ARTS - YOUTH / ELEMENTARY SCHOOL – Honning Jorgenson, Blue; MIDDLE SCHOOL – Jaylyn Allmon, Red; Lakeine

Jorgenson, Blue, Reserve Grand Champion; HIGH SCHOOL – Stacy Beyale, Blue, Grand Champion.

F. PHOTOGRAPHY - ADULT / DIGITAL – ANIMALS – Andrea Jeter, Blue, 3 rd Blue; Jennifer Lanier, Blue, Champ, Grand

Champion; Jennifer Lanier, Blue, Reserve Champ; Allison Porter, White; Allison Porter, Red; Tamis Sapp, White; Terra

Sapp, White; Terra Sapp, Red; Barbara Zeutzius, White; Andrea Jeter, Red; Barbara Zeutzius, Red; Barbara Zeutzius,

Red. BLACK & WHITE – Andrea Jeter, Blue, Reserve Champ; Jennifer Lanier, Blue, Champ, Reserve Grand Champion;

Tamis Sapp, Red; Barbara Zeutzius, Blue, 3 rd Blue. LANDSCAPE - Bethany Jorgenson, Red; Jennifer Lanier, Red; Jennifer

Lanier, Red; Allison Porter, Blue, 3 rd Blue; Allison Porter, Blue; Allison Porter, Blue, Reserve Champ; Tamis Sapp, Red;

Terry Sapp, White; Terra Sapp, White; Landan Wilson, Red; Landan Wilson, White; Landan Wilson, Red; Barbara

Zeutzius, Red, Champ. PEOPLE – Jennifer Lanier, Blue. OTHER THAN ABOVE – Allison Porter, Blue, Champ; Allison

Porter, Blue, Reserve Champ; Tamis Sapp, Red; Terry Sapp, Blue, 3 rd Blue; Barbara Zeutzius, White.

PHOTOGRAPH - YOUTH / ANIMALS – Lilly Figueroa, Blue, Champ; Akima Kane, Blue, Reserve Champ; Coulter Weyand,

Blue, 3 rd Blue. ARCHITECTURE – Lilly Figueroa, Blue, Grand Champion. BLACK & WHITE – Akima Kane, White.

LANDSCAPE – Lilly Figueroa, Blue, Reserve Champ, Lilly Figueroa, Red; Akima Kane, Red; Coulter Weyand, Blue, 3 rd Blue;

Coulter Weyand, Blue, Champion.