
Restriping operations throughout Southwest Colorado to begin Monday

The Colorado Department of Transportation will begin restriping pavement marking throughout Region 5 in Southwest Colorado.

The Journal

The Colorado Department of Transportation will begin restriping pavement marking throughout Region 5 in Southwest Colorado.

Restriping operations will begin Monday and continue through August.

The restriping project will replace existing pavement markings and enhance highway striping on both asphalt and concrete pavements to improve visibility and help drivers stay in their lane.

Striping operations are dependent on clear weather conditions. The targeted dates may fluctuate.

Straight Stripe Painting, Inc. of St. George, UT has been selected for this project.

Highways being restriped and approximate dates include:

Southwest Colorado

Monday-Wednesday, June 1-3: U.S. 491 Colorado/New Mexico state line through Cortez and Dove Creek to Colorado/Utah state line.Friday, June 5: U.S. 160 Cortez to Mancos.June 12-29: U.S. 550 from Colorado/New Mexico State Line to Durango, over Red Mountain Pass to Colona.

South-central Colorado

Monday-Wednesday, June 1-3: U.S. 491 Colorado/New Mexico state line through Cortez and Dove Creek to Colorado/Utah state line.Friday, June 5: U.S. 160 Cortez to Mancos.June 12-29: U.S. 550 from Colorado/New Mexico State Line to Durango, over Red Mountain Pass to Colona.July 1-Aug. 3: U.S. 160 from Mancos through Durango, Pagosa Springs, over Wolf Creek pass to Alamosa and finishes on La Veta Pass.Restriping operations will take place from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Speeds will be reduced to 40 mph in work zones. Motorists are urged to use caution and watch for heavy equipment. Through lanes and turn lanes may be temporarily closed to traffic. Travelers are discouraged from passing the striping truck and crossing over fresh paint, as this may damage a vehicle’s finish.

For information, call 703-3940, email or visit