Yippee, Medicare for All say Bernie, Pocahontas, et al.
Be like Canada! Where you can wait months to see your primary care doctor, be given tests, scans and finally see an oncologist when your once curable cancer has become terminal.
Need a new joint? Wait 12-plus months if you qualify.
Be like England! Last summer, it rationed ophthalmic surgeries, ruling out procedures for people 65-plus years, so with natural occurrences their seniors will just go blind. Maybe they’ll get a red-and-white cane and a tin cup.
Pay of course will be at current Medicare rates. Hospitals charge real insurance companies extra to cover Medicare shortfalls, doctors couldn’t maintain a practice at Medicare rates. Will our young, best, brightest, most compassionate and dedicated be willing to spend 10 to 14 years educating themselves after high school, incurring $100,000-plus in debt, work long hours, then continue educating themselves on new procedures to be compensated at the rate of a journeyman electrician? Probably not!
The U.S., through private industry, develops more than half of the world’s new drugs, procedures and medical equipment – which would diminish with ineffective, inefficient and rationed government control.
At Sanders’ estimates, $3.2 trillion a year, that would be $10,000 for every man, woman and child for a health policy but definitely not health care. Then a little extra to cover the millions of illegal aliens (government term for you PC’ers).
All this for more control over our lives by the “we know what’s best” elite Democrat ruling class. No thanks!
Robert GoodrichBayfield