
Rep. Tipton votes against internet privacy

Our Representative Scott Tipton joined with the other congressional Republicans and voted for corporations and against Colorado citizens.

The vote was on roll call No. 200, and it overturns a federal regulation called “Protecting the Privacy of Customers of Broadband and Other Telecommunications Services.”

The Republicans stripped the protection against corporations from snooping in your internet history, and it gives them permission to sell any or all of your information to advertisers, marketers, scammers or anyone they like.

Rep. Tipton took away your freedom to use the internet without someone looking over your shoulder. Now, corporations will be checking up on what you’re doing and they’ll try to make a buck off of it.

Your privacy on the internet is now dead thanks to the Republicans and Scott Tipton.

William T. Williams


Jun 15, 2017
Reps serving people or corporations?