Registration begins for birding fest

Dust off your bird books and binoculars and get ready for the 11th Annual Ute Mountain-Mesa Verde Birding Festival, May 6-10, 2015.

Organizers recently announced the lineup for this year’s event, which included Nathan Pieplow, author of the forthcoming Peterson’s Field Guede to Bird Sounds.

This spring-time event attracts participants from throughout Colorado, adjoining states, and communities spanning the United States from Florida to the Pacific Coast. Birding enthusiasts have traveled from as far away as Australia and Hawaii to attend the Cortez-based festival.

Popularity of the Birding Festival centers around: the variety of birding habitats in the Four Corners area; tours led by experienced birders; and species sightings (184 species in 2013) that may garner Colorado rarities like Acorn Woodpecker and Lucy’s Warbler.

This year’s Birding Festival will feature 25 tours with overnight trips to Moab, Utah and Telluride. The schedule includes several new tours as well as species-rich favorites. Birding destinations targeted for this year’s tours range from Sub-Alpine and Ponderosa forests to Pinyon-Juniper scrub, the Great Sage Plain, riparian river corridors, and desert canyons As in the past, Beginning Birding and a Family Birding Outings are offered free of charge through a Colorado Parks and Wildlife grant.

But act fast, since the festival provides transportation in vans donated by various local agencies, tour registrations are filled on a first-come basis according to van capacity. All tours depart from the Cortez Cultural Center at scheduled times and provide lunch, snacks and water.

Full registration for the festival includes presentations by well-qualified birding experts as well as the Saturday evening banquet. Wednesday evening, John Rawinski, San Luis Valley Birding Network Coordinator, unlocks the mysteries of Colorado’s owls. Thursday afternoon Dr. Tony Apa, Colorado Parks and Wildlife Avian Research Biologist, discusses Ecology and Habitat Use of Gunnison Sage-Grouse in Southwestern Colorado. Dr. Joseph Ortega, Biology Department Chair, Ft. Lewis College, shares his field studies on ecological factors, such as wildfires and cowbird parasitism, that affect breeding bird populations and nest success in Southwest Colorado. Birding by Ear is the topic of this year’s banquet keynote speaker, Nathan Pieplow, author of the forthcoming Peterson’s Field Guide to Bird Sounds. Daily festival registration is available, too. Pre-registration is required for tours and a Pasta and Film evening at the Mancos Public Library. For a nominal fee, the general public may attend the lectures and Saturday’s keynote presentation.

A variety of local and regional agencies, businesses, and private entities help support the festival’s activities through cash or in-kind donations. A volunteer committee meets regularly to prepare for the festival – developing promotional materials, selecting tour destinations, and securing expert tour guides. Proceeds from the not-for-profit event benefit the Cortez Cultural Center’s mission of upholding the Creative Spirit, Cultural Heritage, and Natural Wonder of the Four Corners.

Details about the 11th Annual Ute Mountain-Mesa Verde Birding Festival’s daily activities, tours, and guides are available at For additional information, contact the Cortez Cultural Center, (970) 565-1511.