
‘Reflected on endless mass shootings’

On Nov. 17, I attended the annual symphonic concert by the Southwest Civic Winds at the Community Concert Hall at Fort Lewis College. The enjoyable performance commemorated the co-founder of the ensemble, former FLC professor Dr. Mark Walters, who died earlier this year.

Among the diverse selections for symphonic band was “An American Elegy.” The music, obviously, expressed the grief experienced by the musicians at the loss of their mentor and friend.

Conductor Jared Wright explained that composer Frank Ticheli wrote the music in response to the shootings at Colorado’s Columbine High School on April 20, 1999, which killed 12 students and one teacher, wounded 21 others, and traumatized many more people in the school and in the community. As I listened to the music, I reflected on the endless series of mass shootings across America, especially in our schools.

Why, nearly 25 years later, do we still allow the massacre of our children with military weapons in the hands of civilians?

Dick White
