
Recycling fundraiser Nov. 14

Local group facing budget crisis

The Four Corners Recycling Initiative began organizing and managing local drop-off services in 2008.

They found success, suffered some growing pains and tapped into a community desire to recycle cardboard, metal, paper, and plastics.

But now the all-volunteer group needs the community’s help.

Low commodity prices and increased hauling fees are putting them in financial distress.

A much-needed boost is the annual Dining for Recycling fundraiser to be held on Saturday, Nov. 14.

Participating restaurants will donate 3-5 percent of sales, including the Dolores River Brewery, J. Fargos, Absolute Bakery, Stonefish, Pepperheads, Poncho Burro, Dolores Food Market, and the Mancos Brewery. The Farm Bistro will participate in the fundraiser on Friday, Nov. 13.

“We really need community support to keep this ball rolling,” said FCRI organizer Casey Simpson. “We’re facing a budget shortfall, and are at risk of becoming financially unsustainable.”

FCRI recently began offering plastic recycling at their drop-offs, a milestone for the group.

Plastic contributes to 13 percent of landfills and is toxic to the environment, so diverting it for re-use is critical, Simpson said.

“It benefits not only the environment, but saves landfill space,” he said. “Reducing how much we throw away also saves hauling costs for businesses and homes.”

Students at Southwest Open School pioneered local plastic recycling. A student project proved that plastics can be successfully baled.

As a result, the Montezuma County landfill began to offer plastic baling at their new recycling center.

FCRI’s three recycling drop-off points are at the Dolores Schools parking lot, behind the Mancos School, and at the county landfill.

Remember, to help out local recycling drop-offs, have a meal at one of the participating restaurants on Nov. 14 (Nov. 13 for The Farm Bistro).