‘Reason together’ to solve immigration

I do not like the rhetoric of election years because it can quickly become hateful and unproductive.

I have a book on my desk, “Project 562: Changing The Way We See Native America,” which lists 562 Native American tribes that could be asking most of us to prove our “citizenship” or be shipped back to our country of origin.

We know that is foolish, but I hear some repeating that same phrase.

I was just reading from an article from The American Guardsman in 1923, with the following quote, “I have identified these undesirables: Italian anarchists, Irish Catholics malcontents, Russian Jews, Finns, Letts and Austrians of the lowest class.” This was the beginning of the Ku Klux Klan.

I definitely do not want to return to that era.

We could listen to a few of our stable leaders, and cut out the hateful speech and reason together how to solve an age-old problem of immigration.

DeWayne Neel

Dove Creek