Reallocate lodgers tax for ‘childcare crisis’

As the childcare project manager at La Plata Food Equity Coalition, I must address the critical childcare crisis impacting our community. The recent Workforce Childcare Survey Report highlights the severe shortage of affordable and accessible childcare in La Plata County. This shortage affects our children, workforce, businesses and overall community well-being.

For the children: Quality childcare promotes better cognitive, social, and emotional development, setting the foundation for lifelong success.

For the families: Affordable childcare enables parents to work, reducing financial stress and improving family stability. A typical Colorado family spends 15.1% of their income on infant care – nearly double the recommended 7%.

For the businesses: Reliable childcare reduces absenteeism and enhances productivity. Businesses lose approximately $3 billion annually because of employee absenteeism from childcare issues.

For the community: Investing in childcare strengthens our local economy. Every dollar invested in early childhood programs returns $7 to $9 in economic, social and health benefits.

Successful initiatives in Boulder and Pitkin counties, which use local funding to support childcare, offer a model for La Plata County.

I urge citizens and business owners to support reallocating the lodgers tax to address our childcare crisis. This is an investment in our future, supporting children, empowering families and bolstering businesses.

Let’s ensure La Plata County thrives.

Tiffany Chacon
