Raya Marie Smith came into this world at 3:04 p.m, on April 18, 2014, at Mercy Medical Center in Durango, Colo. She weighed 6 pounds and 13 ounces, and was 18 inches long. Her proud parents are Steven and Cecilia Smith and big brother Chaz from Cortez, Co. Raya’s maternal grandparents are Charles and Ellen Robinson of Cortez, and paternal grandparent Joanie Votaw of Atoka, Okla. Also celebrating Raya’s arrival are her aunt and uncle Keve and Teri Goodall, and Shawn Robinson, all of Cortez.
Raya Marie Smith
Monday, May 5, 2014 10:00 PM
Updated Tuesday, May. 6, 2014 12:25 AM
KODAK Digital Still Camera