
Rankin: Teacher to class: “Can you hear me now?”

Joyce Rankin

“It’s just common sense.” How many times have you heard this phrase and thought “If only more people would just use common sense?”

I was thinking that during a conversation with Dan Snowberger, Durango School District 9-R Superintendent.

Dan and I, along with a thousand other educators, attended an Excellence in Education conference last month where use of technology in the K-12 classroom was discussed.

While there are already lessons available that introduce students, as early as kindergarten, to technology, the conversation turned to middle and high school students’ use of cell phones in the classroom.

How can students concentrate on the task at hand when they are on their cell phones texting a friend? The answer for one principal in Snowberger’s district was to ban cell phones in his middle school.”

Ban cell phones? That’s impossible, you may be thinking. Evidently not for Shane Voss, Principal of Mountain Middle School (Grades 4-8) in Durango.

First, Voss invited parents and interested community members to a screening of a film titled “Screenagers,” describing how the child’s brain develops. The film attempted to explain the result of too much “screen time” or time spent in front of a computer screen or cell phone.

At first, parents had some concerns about the importance of phones when they needed to get in touch with their child in an emergency situation. Voss assured parents that there would always be personnel available to answer the office phone during school hours. The emphasis of the new no cellphone rule was to “keep students engaged in the present,” said Voss.

“We have a highly collaborative and innovative learning environment,” he said. “The students can now use 100 percent of their energy with the task at hand.” He also added that social bullying during school time has greatly decreased.

Voss created a cellphone-free environment that seems to be working. There is a time and place for the teen culture of social media; it’s just not at Mountain Middle School. Technology has its place, but so does focus. Common sense? Yes, coupled with strong leadership and community support.

Joyce Rankin serves on the Colorado State Board of Education representing the 3rd Congressional District. Reach her at

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