
‘Putting fox in charge of chicken coop’

Doesn’t it seem incredible that the more the breadth and depth of the former president’s mischief is exposed in the courts, the more wildly popular he gets in the polls?

Not only that, but his followers insist ever more loudly that they stand on the moral high ground above all others. Donald Trump has demonstrably done God’s work by swinging the Supreme Court over to the anti-abortion side, and that’s all MAGA Christians really need to know about him.

These MAGA Americans devoted to Julius Trump or Donald Chump (take your pick), have two additional propositions they would like the rest of us godless Americans to consider. First, we must champion the idea that an individual recently judged to have committed large-scale civil fraud should be allowed to hold civil office again.

Second, a politician who is charged with many counts of penal crime and very likely will be convicted of some of them before the next election, should still be able to stand for reelection to the office that supervises the highest department of criminal justice in the land.

Putting the fox in charge of the chicken coop, just makes perfect sense to MAGA folks.

Kimball Shinkoskey

Woods Cross, Utah