I am writing as a concerned citizen regarding the future of the Carpenter Natural Area in Cortez.
I have used that area for many a walk and mountain bike ride, and enjoy it immensely. Just this summer, my husband took a walk while I was in a physical therapy session at Southwest Memorial Hospital. He heard and observed the Cedar Waxwing, Yellow Breasted Chat, Northern Mockingbird, Bullocks Oriole and Western Kingbird to name a few birds. This area is a treasure.
But I noticed much more noise from heavy equipment since the last I visited and was very disappointed.
I urge the Cortez City Council to please vote “no“ on Independent Log Co.’s application to change the zoning from commercial to industrial on property that is adjacent to Carpenter Natural Area and an established residential neighborhood.
If this rezoning is allowed to go forward, it will mean that in the future, any industrial activity will be allowed. Is it really prudent for the city to change existing zoning and bend the interpretation of the city code for the benefit of one business? If this happens in the Montview neighborhood, it can happen anywhere in town. It will set a precedent.
I support the city codes, which prevent spot zoning and incompatible uses from infringing on residential areas and parks. I strongly oppose rezoning and special use permits that dilute the original intention of a zoning designation. I value the quality of life in our neighborhoods, and serenity and natural beauty of our parks.
Patty Coen